Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Playoffs Get Mocked

Alright, so last time I gave you a prediction of who would make the playoffs and a little dose of who to watch out for, based off of the ending of the season.

But now it's time for the true thing. The full prognosis of what should be the most tantalizing NBA playoffs we've had in a while. As I said in my last post, all the teams are going to need good luck; because, aside from 3 teams (which I will say later), everyone has a legit chance at knocking everyone else out for the championship.

Let's start this week with round 1.

So in the words of Bud Light: "Here We Go."

Technically the exact seeds are not yet decided but I will make a confident assumption as to what they will be seeded. 


         #1 Chicago Bulls                                                  #8 Philadelphia 76ers  
    This match up will be the only 4-0 sweep in the playoffs. The Bulls have too good a bench and the 76ers are going to be the worst team in the playoffs. The Sixers need help (in which I gave a solution to in this article: 2012-2013 Trades ) and the slump they are in now is showing the inconsistency that really they were lucky to get past in the beginning of the season.
   So yes this means that Philly is one of my 3 exception teams to who can win. Another of those is coming right up.

         #4 Boston Celtics                                                                     #5 Atlanta Hawks 


       As I've talked about before, the Hawks never gain the proper momentum behind them to ever truly give anybody a scare. They have the same "power" combo that they've had for a while, being Josh Smith and Joe Johnson, but nothing really is exerted with true gritty game planning or dominant defense. That being said, the Celtics are on fire. I've mentioned how they should revamp and trade their old stars in for a future things, which I still think is true; but I think that slump that happened mid season clicked with all, or someone gave a rattling speech that made them give it all they got for at least the rest of this season. Since they obviously aren't going to be a great team forever. Whether it's enough to get a championship is still kind of unsure, but they will definitely show their experiential prowess against a lacking Hawks team. Sorry Atlanta.

          #3 Indiana Pacers                                                                         #6 Orlando Magic       

     Might as well just get the "three exceptions" out of the way, so here is the last. Orlando just will not have enough to suffice for the Pacers. As you read last time, I have the Pacers being a very big threat through the rest of the playoffs, and it really has shown/has capability of consistency since they genuinely work off of team work; as cliche as it sounds. They seem more like a dominant "team" than anyone else in the league. The Magic on the other hand, could just as easily lose out the rest of the season and be a 8 seed. However, I see them baring through a couple games and getting the 6 seed, but generally they just don't have enough sustaining power. And Dwight's lack of dedication to the team really isn't helping the cause. This should be a good beginning match up for the Pacers as well, because there isn't really anyone to compete with Granger, which he will surely take advantage of. As well, it will be good to have an easy first round to get ready for the Heat of the latter. Speak of the devil(no pun intended)...

     #2 Miami Heat                                                                                         #3 New York Knicks                                                                  

     So as the previous first round match ups lead to; this should be the only contending series of the Eastern Conference in Round 1. This duel will be very very very very very dependent on Tyson Chandler.
      Yes of course, Carmelo is the main man and if he doesn't act his usual self then they won't stand a chance. But this is going to be a perfect adrenaline rush for his ability. He's at the prime of his career, in both ability and experience and can lead a team past the Heat that really mark themselves as being the bad guys. Since that bad guy arrogance is going to be on the other side; Anthony will be given enough room to want to show his true dominating ability. Without being the main guy everyone is looking at on the court.
    So with that, Carmelo might be able to cancel out the works of the big three, in terms of offensive numbers. But Chandler's defensive ability and advantage in the lane offensively could be enough to make the Heat have to re navigate, which is a perfect thing to do against a team like Miami. So watch for that situation as you watch this beautiful series. But I have the Heat winning it in 6; which is good for Indiana, as that will surely tire Miami out.


    #1 Oklahoma City Thunder                                                   #8 Utah Jazz

    Let me say first that the reason I have the Thunder at #1 is because the schedule for OKC and the Spurs end with both playing the Lakers. In which I see the Lakers wanting some revenge adrenaline against San Antonio. Also the Spurs end with an away game against the Suns, and OKC with a home game against an already playoff bound team, Denver.
    As well, let me explain that the Jazz are at the #8 seed because it is really going to come down to the game they play against Phoenix for the final spot; and at home I see Utah taking that one away.

   Anyways, though I see Devin Harris making an outburst in this series; it's really hard to take away a shooter like Durant and a play maker like Westbrook with the flimsy defensive front that Utah is able to provide. Granted they've really been impressive the past few weeks, that's no match against the best offense in the league, four times. The Jazz will take the first game back in Utah, but that will be their only moment for the series.

      #4 Los Angeles Clippers                                                               #5 Memphis Grizzlies


    This will be the greatest match-up of the first round.

  Yes, the Miami-New York game will be exciting; but this game is guaranteed to go to a game 7. Both teams show great uprising and team unity. The decider in this series will really be who has the advantage in what they have the advantage for. Being the Grizzlies' front-court and the Clippers' back-court. Unfortunately for the Grizzlies, by a very slight margin, Memphis will have to dominate more with the front-court since Blake Griffin will be the variable for how both game plans work. If they are playing equally well, which is very possible every game, but Griffin has a good game then the Clippers will come out victorious. But as I said, if the Grizzlies stick to what they know, they could be a surprise in that round and maybe even for the rest of the playoffs.

    #3 Los Angeles Lakers                                                                            #6 Dallas Mavericks

     If this is your first time reading my blog, then I will let you know that I am a Mavericks fan.    And I would also mention that I think my previous viewers would agree that I have never really invoked my fandom onto an objective analysis, unless it was jokingly.

However, this my most vulnerable moment in not being biased; which may seem especially viewed in my prediction for this match up. But, let me give my best objective reason why I think Dallas will pull through the series.

First of all, let me just get it out of the way now that I don't predict them winning the Cup this year. Unless some burst comes out of nowhere, from them, to bulldoze through. So that should deter the idea that I'm just picking them out of pure hope. The reason I see them prevailing is because of this: Dirk Nowitzki. Now, yes, not only was that a cliche way to present that; and could also be done just as easily with Kobe Bryant on the other side. But where Marion meets Kobe on defense, Dirk meets no one on offense. I'm not saying Kobe won't have one good game, but I think that Marion has really shown himself as a defensive player and that will be very crucial in this match up. So if Dirk decides to get on fire for this series, then there will truly be no one there to stop him.
     As well, I think Brandon Wright is right where he should be with this team and is actually going to be a threat down low that the Mavericks need to be dominant (as we saw last year with Chandler).

So with the first and only upset of the first round, I give you the Dallas Mavericks over the Lakers.

      #2 San Antonio Spurs                                                                     #7 Denver Nuggets


    What the Nuggets have in excitement and scoring capability, they lack in front-court power and experience. Which is exactly San Antonio's forte right now.

   If you don't have a way to stop Tim Duncan consistently then getting on the court is really a formality. I think Denver will find a way to stop Tony Parker in the series, and I think Ginobli will not have a very good series, as he is still regathering to his normal self. But it still comes down to the 2 time MVP.
    This either could be a very exciting series, or a very boring and dismal series. Either way I see it going to San Antonio, but I'm hoping for the NBA's sake that the Nuggets play with the same ferociousness that they played with at the end of the season. Because that play style is what makes them one of the most surprising teams this year in the NBA.


 And just to keep the vibe, I'm going to reiterate it again:  Good luck professional basketball teams.     You're going to need it.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Eviction Prediction

 So we've made it to the end of this 66 game season, almost; and the fight for the championship is definitely not a formality. Though there are some to be more afraid of, we still have a playoff system until next year as the NBA is changing it's championship to be that of the BCS system.



The fate of the Eastern generally lies in the arms of the top two seeds. With exception to the Boston Celtics of 2010 and the Orlando Magic of 2009. This year really doesn't shine to be any different. The Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls have been in fight with the OKC Thunder for the best team in the league all year. So to defeat not one, but both of them within the playoffs would surely be an upset. The only team I see having the gull to have a chance at doing that would be the Boston Celtics, and frankly the only reason I give them that is because of experience. They've pulled a run as of recently and that might be able to roll over into the playoffs, but I wouldn't put cash on it. 

However, I think there is another team that, maybe, maybe, maybe, http:maybe
There is a chance, be it injuries from the Heat and Bulls or sheer heart and miraculous convention, a certain team can break past....

Say what?

I've brought this up before, but I'm really not sure how this team is good; but they are. Granted they are in the Eastern conference, which, if you haven't picked up from this post so far, isn't the least bit dominating. But I think there is something that flows with their team that gives them a certain edge of true winning quality, yet have the under the radar approach.

       If things stay as they are, the Pacers will play the Hawks in the first round. Since Indiana's the three seed, and Atlanta is next to not newsworthy at all, this game wouldn't give them the hubbub that might throw them off as an underdog team. Then they lose to the Heat. But if there is something that sparks, something that molds, something that does something to pull them through 4 wins, even if it's a 7 gamer; then I see the Pacers having a really good shot at trying to work a match up against the Bulls.
      This is done by what I like to call "player cancelling" game days. If Nick Collison and Danny Granger can statistically calibrate against Derrick Rose than it would come down to the supporting cast. Frankly Indiana's already proven teamship could really outwit the work that Chicago would try to scrounge up.

It's a long shot, but if there wasn't that "maybe" team, then what would be the point of watching the playoffs? To see who has the longer series and will be more fatigued for the "true" matchup? Diane Sawyer might of needed Katie Couric, but I don't need that dismal mindset to get me by.


The work of the Oklahoma City Thunder is truly a good one for the NBA. And being a southwest Missourian, it's nice seeing usual non-NBA viewers jump the Thunder bandwagon, since they are technically Missouri's closest team. However, it will be interesting once they show their dominant selves in the playoffs since they don't have a real "Celebrity" fan. And I'm not even talking on the Nicholson or Spike Lee prowess; I'm just saying some sense of Hollywood support. But then again that's kind of their rap that has got them to work in such a media free environment.

Nonetheless, the battle for the Western spot will not be as "predictable" as the opposite. Generally every team, even the currently 9th seed Phoenix Suns have a decent chance at getting to the finals. There is some sort of strong-suit that every team has that if risen to it's best capability, can take down another team.

      Unfortunately,(being a Mavericks fan and fan of entertaining teams) the San Antonio Spurs have a more than decent shot at blistering any team they see. They have true deep talent within the lineups and great experience in big time playoff games. Howbeit, with that experience comes great consequence: age. Keep in mind, they have been a successful team, but their true dominance has not shown until this past month where they have won 9 in a row. It's hard when you're gaining fatigue and have already won multiple championships to gather the same endurance as teams especially as young as the Thunder.

The Mavericks are one of those teams where they're seeding really isn't equivalent with the potential talent that can reside.As seen last year, they were a three seed that barely surpassed the lingering Blazers,and then came together to sweep the Lakers and oust a Championship. But I'll leave it at that.

With the Clippers, as long as you have a player that can do this...

Then you have a shot. Yes, that is my second Griffin video clip on my blog, but hey, it's blissful indulgence that the sport can be made of, and I love to flaunt. Frankly, I think whoever wins that 4-5 match up with the Clippers early; be it the Mavericks or the Grizzlies, can put an end to the Thunder fast and continue on to the championship. Because as the saying goes: get em' while they're fresh. 

The work of this seasons playoffs might be at the highest lottery level that it has been in a while. Many teams can win, but only one can take home the trophy. Blood may be drawn, but whoever shows the most heart, and gives there all can take blah blah blah blah.....

 Good luck professional basketball teams. You're going to need it this year.