Imagine being there for all the historic moments:
when Reed made the comeback for the Knicks.
when the Celtics beat the Lakers in the early 60s
when Kareem and Jordan were at there prime
Well, this series has the capacity to be that. So you better let it sink in. Like really sink in. Don't just sit there impatiently pushing for the game to end so you can talk about the result.
Just bask in the fact that this series could be one that is secretly legendary.
Who am I to say this?
Well, I'm Clint DeNisco and you can look up my other projects, but who I am doesn't really relate, I guess. Just at face value, here are a couple of things (but mainly one thing) that make this legendary:
- Greatest Upset in NBA History (if Cleveland wins)
So let's take a look at some basic facts about the Warriors. Some of these will be standard stuff you've had hammered to your head all year.
-They have three point shooting coming in waves and most efficient powerful offense in the NBA
-They literally have the number 1 defense. Every stat is in favor of the Warriors. Maybe not blocks, but that rarely defines a good team.
-They have the NBA MVP. He's smart. See sports science articles explaining how his prowess at golf indicates that he has something in his brain that triggers his shooting and playstyle like that Incredibles robot adapting to everything in seconds.
-They have a better coach by a mile.
-They have one of the best home-court advantages of all-time. No hyperbole.
Here's what the Cavaliers have...
Lebron James.
Yeah, I know, blah blah blah, you've heard it before, he's the best in the world, he's doing it all on his own. BUT COME ON. IT'S ONE GUY GOING AGAINST ONE OF THE GREATEST TEAMS IN THE SPORT'S HISTORY.
One of the top 5 NBA Finals in history is the 2013 first Spurs Heat series. Now take that Spurs team and make them all young and energetic and flashy. Now you have the Warriors. Take the Heat, but now minus two other good players, and so much compacted energy gleefully put on Lebron. Now you have the Cavaliers.
Add the fact that the Cavs never won a finals and Cleveland sports, in general, have been in a quagmire the past 60 years.
So let me remind myself and urge to you again. Just enjoy it!
If you have a huge bet on the line, then still try your best to watch it with historic passion.
It could all change on a dime with the Warriors taking over the next 3 games, and all the hubbub would be for nothing.
But if that doesn't happen, we're witnessing authentic upset status. A true legendary battle.
And this time, not just words used by advertisements to trick you into watching...
But genuinely storybook.
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